Biotechnology Funding", namely "Monsanto".)Most people are starting to
eat organic for two reasons: reason #1 It has no pesticides,unlike it's conventional
counterpart, and #2 Because it's ethical to do.Not because it has more nutrients.
But having the choice to eat foods without pesticides,versus foods with it,I'll choose
he organic every time. (Sidebar- All organics are not created equal. Organics from
other countries may not be under the same regulations as those in the U.S. So
try to buy Organic products that are local as well.You can also start your own
vegetable garden.) When buying Organic foods speak with the farmers at your
farmers market,by doing this you'll learn more about the food you buy and
where it comes from.And did I mention that foods at farmers market tends to be a
little cheaper. Okay so for the big question,What is Organic? Organic foods are
foods produced using methods that do not involve modern synthetic inputs such as
synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Organic foods are also not processed
using irradiation, industrial solvents or chemical food additives. A large number
of people that eat organic do so because they contain no pesticides and for the ethical
treatment of the farm workers, that would otherwise be exposed to deadly chemicals
day in and day out on a "conventional farm". I would rather my dollars go to my
local farmers that care about their workers and animals. No media outlet out there
can tell me my organic veggies aren't better tasting than those in your local grocer.
If you need a Hazmat suit just to spray your vegetables for pests, what about those eating the vegetables? |
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