Friday, December 07, 2012

Return to OZ: The Babblings of a lunatic without a brain (Part 2)

    Now that Dr. Oz has joined the ranks of those that have sold out to Big Agriculture by declaring Organic foods to be elitist,snooty and no better than conventional foods, What next? Promoting Gmo's? Getting Cozy with Monsanto?(which is probably already paying him.) Dr. Oz is already on record pushing Vaccines, while not mentioning that they contain mercury,formaldehyde and Msg. As I've stated at the conclusion of part 1 ,Oz says that organics are appropriate for only 1%. Oz also declares that organic food is not "democratic", in other words keep sucking down more Gmo's, pesticides and herbicides and you'll be a good little food slave. Dr Oz's message is quite indistinguishable from that of Monsanto, because it's all deception. Oz also attacks farmers markets, and the reason may be because he thinks they're a waste of time. So Dr. Evil....excuse me, Dr.Oz has clearly chosen a  side, and it's the side of biotech chemical agriculture. He has betrayed his own readers and viewers, and has joined the dark side with Big Ag,Monsanto,chemical pesticide producers, processed food companies and feed lot cattle farmers(which Oz also agrees are fine.) So why listen to Oz anymore,he's just made himself irrelevant to thinking people everywhere. But the biggest question of all is, will Oprah cut her ties with Dr. Oz, since she has always been pro-Organic and is in the process of starting her own Organic company? 

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