Sunday, October 30, 2011

Which Vegetables should you buy...or not buy Organic? Part 2

Now that we've discussed the fruit and vegetables that are more likely to have high amounts of pesticides, we'll now look at some of the fruit and vegetables that aren't as high in pesticides,or have no known pesticides used on them. To be more concise these are the foods that have extremely thick skins or rinds. These are the foods you don't have to buy organic. The following fruit and vegetables are the ones that have thick skins or rinds to serve as a barrier to the fruit inside: Avocado, Pineapple, Mango, Kiwi, Watermelon,  Eggplant and Papaya. The following vegetables have few or no pests, and  require little or no spraying: Onions, Asparagus, Broccoli,Cabbage, Sweet peas and most beans. Tomato:  The tomato is a fruit (yes the tomato is a fruit, not a vegetable) that changes from year to year , depending on whom you ask. Currently the tomato is listed as a "safe" fruit as far as pesticides go. But from my point of view, based on the research I've done, there are over 35 known pesticides on the Tomato (some of which have Reproductive toxins or Neurotoxins.) In my opinion tomatoes are far from "safe",so I grow my own tomatoes. Corn: Sweet corn may take a lot of fertilizer to grow, but you're very unlikely to get any pesticides on the corn kernels. But as long as you use organic fertilizer, a rain barrel (store bought or home made), and stay away from Gmo's (Genetically manufactured organisms.)  Tip: use completely broken down corn cobs at the base of the corn seeds.But with all vegetables you still would want to rinse your fruit and vegetables well.    

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Which Vegetables should you buy...or not buy Organic? Part 1

Organic foods are slightly more expensive, and sometimes hard to find on a consistent basis, depending on where you live, and where you shop. Eating some of the following foods organically can reduce your pesticide exposure by 80%. Apples: 40 known pesticides on the skin of an apple. Celery: 60 known pesticides are on the stalks of celery. Strawberries: because of a deadly fungus that grows on strawberries, farmers tend to spray strawberries with nearly 60 different types of pesticides. Peaches: have more than 60 known pesticides as well.
Spinach: has 50 different pesticides. Nectarines: 33 known pesticides. Grapes: more than 30 known pesticides.Sweet Bell Peppers: Nearly 50 different pesticides. Potatoes: more than 35 pesticides. Blueberries: More than 50 pesticides. Lettuce: more than 50 pesticides. Kale: an undetermined amount of pesticides as of yet. To find out what's your food go  to "what's on my"

                                                        Part 2 tomorrow

Sunday, October 16, 2011


The latest debate in the food world is over whether to choose organic or locally grown food. Organic advocates feel you shouldn't tolerate pesticide use under any circumstances, while locavores- people who favor locally grown food- say it's more important to buy from local farms and conserve the fuel spent on transporting food long distances. To help you decide where you stand on the organic vs. local debate, here are some of the Pros and Cons on both Organic and Local. Note: Personally I eat local and organic, I have my own home garden. So what is the definition of Organic food? Answer: Food grown without pesticides, genetically modified ingredients,irradiation, antibiotics, hormones,or fertilizer made from sewage sludge. Pros of Organic food: Farm workers are not exposed to pesticides,pesticides and fertilizers do not pollute soil and waterways. Some studies have shown that organic food is more nutritious and flavorful than conventionally grown food. Cons of Organic food: Organic products can leave a huge carbon footprint. Even if something was grown in China and exported to the United States, it can still be called organic. Many organic food products come from abroad, often third world countries, where it's difficult to ensure that US organic standards are truly met( not that the us standards are truly met). The requirements for an organic label do not include humane treatment of animals, fair labor practices, or ecologically conscious farming practices. So what is the definition of Local food? Answer: Food from local gardens,or the wild. Local can mean 100 miles from your home or less.  For me local means from my own backyard, the local farmers market,or food that comes from  less than 50 miles away. Pros of Locally grown food: Buying Locals helps to support your local small farmers. More small farms means more genetic diversity of plants and animals,which makes the food system less vulnerable to disease. Supporting small  farms keeps money within the local economy, saves jobs,and preserves farmland and open space. Local foods don't contribute to air pollution and global climate change to the same degree as food that travels long distances. Cons of Locally grown food: Locally grown food is not  necessarily pesticide free. Many places are not suited to agriculture during certain times of the year, like the Midwestern states in the winter. Studies show that a diet of mostly plants, no matter where they're from, is better for the environment than a meat-heavy local diet. So, with all that being said, if  you still can't decide for yourself, you can always do what I both. I grow my own food in my own  backyard, organically. Therefore my food is Local and Organic.