Saturday, March 31, 2012

List Of Things You Should...and Shouldn't Compost.


 Things you shouldn't Compost

1) Bread Products
2) Cooking Oils 
3) Diseased Plants
4) Human Or Animal Feces (Only chicken feces.)
5) Meat Products
6) Milk Products
7) Heavily Coated Or Printed Paper
8) Rice
9) Treated Sawdust
10) Garden Weeds
11) Walnuts (Contains Juglone, a natural
 aromatic compound toxic to some plants.)
12) Used Personal Products (diapers,tampons,etc.)
13) Large amounts of citrus fruit

Things you can Compost

1) Vegetable Scraps
2) Fruit Scraps
3) Coffee grounds
4) Paper Bags (shredded)
5) Grass Clippings
6) Tea Bags
7) Hair (from a hairbrush)
8) Dryer Lint
9) Organic Cotton Balls
10) Unbleached Coffee Filters 
11) Egg Shells
12) Ashes
13) Leaves
14) Bird Droppings & Newspaper from the birdcage
15) Old Spices
16) Shredded Newspaper
17) Old Flowers/ Plants
18) Peanut Shells
19) Sawdust (from untreated wood)