Sunday, April 29, 2012

12 Shade Loving Vegetables

When most Gardeners think of a Vegetable garden they think of an area that in drenched in sunlight,getting at least 8 hours or more sunlight daily. But you do have other options when it comes to Vegetable gardening, such as the "Shade garden". But you should keep in mind that most Vegetables require at least 6 hours of sunlight to flourish. Also a shade garden doesn't mean consist shade with no sunlight, it generally means filtered sunlight throughout the day with periods of sunlight,at least 1-2hrs. of sun daily. Here's a list of Veggies that do well in shade:  

Green Beans

Collard Greens








Swiss Chard



Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"What's in Season"

    The group of lists below are based on general regional variabilities.What may in season in one part of the
  country,may not be available elsewhere. Try to choose Fruit and Veggies according to their natural growing
  season to ensure value, freshness, and nutrient density.Taking a walk through your Local Farmers Market
  will help you better get an idea of what's in season. Join a local C.S.A (community supported agriculture).
  C.S.A's deliver fresh in season produce to your front door. And in some cases you can go to the farm and
  pick your own produce. Doing this will also help you figure out what's in season. Joining a c.s.a will also
  give you the chance to try new veggies, in new dishes.  

Vegetables and Fruit that grow year round- Avocados,Beets, Cabbage, Carrots,Chard, Endive,Fennel,
Garlic,Most herbs, Horseradish,Jicama, Kale, Lambsquarters,Leeks,Mushrooms, Olives,Onions,Orach, Radishes,Scallions,Spinach, Sprouts,Oranges and Lemons.

SPRING  March 20th-June 21st
 Apricots,Apriums, Artichokes, Arugula,Asparagus,Green Beans,Blackberries,Bok Choy,Boysenberries,
 Broccoli Rabe, Brussels Sprouts,Cactus Pears,Cardoons,Cauliflower,Celeriac, Celery,Cherimoyas,Cherries
 ,Chicory,Collards, Cress, Cucumbers,Dandelion Greens, Eggplant,Fava Beans,Fava Greens, Grapefruit,
  Guavas,Kohlrabi, Kumquats, Mustard Greens,Nectarines, Nettles, Nuts,Parsnips, Peas,Peaches,Plums,
 Pluots, Pomelos, Purslane, Raspberries,Rhubarb, Rutabagas,Shallots, Strawberries, Tayberries, Turnips.

SUMMER  June 22nd- September21st
  Almonds,Apples,Apricots,Apriums,Asian Pears,Green Beans,Blackberries,Blueberries,Bok Choy,Burdock
  Boysenberries, Broccli Rabe, Cactus Pads, Cauliflower,Celeriac, Celery, Cherries, Chicory, Collards, Corn
  ,Cress,Cucumbers,Eggplant,Fava beans, Figs,Ginger Root, Grapefruit,Grapes,Kumquats,Limes, Loquats, 
  Mandarins, Melons, Mulberries, Nectarines, Nettles, Okra,Plums, Pluots, Pomegranates, Purslane, Rhubarb
  , Raspberries, Shallots, Sprouts, Squash (summer), Strawberries,Tomatoes,Turnips.

 AUTUMN September 22nd- December 21st 
 Almonds, Apples,Asian Pears,Asian Vegetables,Green Beans,Blackberries, Bok Choy,Broccoli Rabe,
 Brussels Sprouts,Burdock,Cauliflower, Celeriac,Celery,Chicory, Dates,Eggplant,Feijoas,Figs,Ginger Root,
 Grapefruit,Grapes,Jujubes,Kiwi,Kohlrabi ,Kumquats, Melons,Okra,Parsnips,Peaches,Pears,Peas,
 Sweet Peppers, Persimmons,Plums,Pluots, Pomegranates, Pomelos, Potatoes, Purslane,Quince,Raspberries
  Rhubarb,Rutabagas, Salsify,Scallions,Strawberries,Turnips.

 WINTER  December 22nd- March 19th
 Arugula,Bok Choy,Broccoli Rabe, Cardoons, Cauliflower, Celeriac, Celery, Chicory,Collards,Cress, Dates
 Dandelion Greens,Fava Greens, Feijoas,Grapefruit,Grapes,Guavas,Kiwi,Kohlrabi,Nettles,Nuts,Parsnips,
 Pears, Sweet Peppers, Pomegranates, Pomelos, Rutabagas, Winter Squash,Sunchokes, Sweet Potatoes,

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Home Garden pests


Apple Maggot

Asparagus Beetle

Cabbage Maggot

Cabbage Worm

Codling Moth

Colorado Potato Beetle

Corn Earworm

ElM Leaf Beetle

European Corn Borer

Gypsy Moth

Japanese Beetle

June Beetles

Peach Borer

Spotted Cucumber Beetle

Squash Borer

Squash Bug

Stripped Cucumber Beetle