Sunday, December 04, 2011

35 Most Exotic Fruit and Vegetables on Earth.

Akee fruit- From west Africa. Soft and creamy  pulp with white to yellow flesh.

Babaco- From Ecuador. Tastes like a strawberry,kiwi,pineapple and papaya.

Biriba Fruit- From Brazil. Soft and sweet banana like flavor.

Blood Orange- From Italy. Tastes like an orange with hints of a flower.

Chocolate Vine- From Japan. Smells like chocolate, tastes like tapioca pudding.

Buddhas Hand- From India & China. Citrus fruit used as zest.

Calamondin- From China. Juicy pulp like an Orange.

Canistel- From Mexico. Flesh is sweet, with the texture of an egg yolk

Cashew- From Northern South America. The cashew nut is the seed, who knew.

Cheimoya- From the Andes. Fleshy & Soft, white in color. Sherbet like texture.

Dragon Fruit- From Mexico. Similar to Kiwi fruit in taste.

Warning: This is the Durian fruit, which comes from Brunei and Indonesia. The Durian fruit  is banned in several Asian countries because of  it's extremely foul odor. If you can get past the smell, it has an  almond custard flavor.

Gular Figs- From Australasia. I picked this fruit not because it tastes different or because it has an  exotic  appearance, but because of how it grows. Which is right on the trunk of the tree, not on branches. 

Heart of palm- From Costa Rica. Tastes like artichokes  or water chess nut.

Jackfruit- From southeast Asia. Weighs in at 100lbs. Tastes like a tart banana. 

Lanzones Fruit- From southeast Asia. Bitter seeds with flesh that's sweet and sour

Ilama Fruit-From Central America. Taste close to that of a Cherimoya with a  hint of lime and lemon

Lychee- From Southern China. Has a sweet translucent white flesh. Juicy.

Mammee Apple- From  South America. Close relative  of the mangosteen.  Astrigent layer under the skin, then the flesh is yellow and can be crisp or juicy.

Mangosteen- From Sunda Islands. Sweet tangy and Juicy.

Okinawan Sweet Purple Potato- From Japan. Light sweet  taste.

Passion Fruit- From Paraguay. Juicy filled with seeds , is tart and smells sweet.

Peanut Butter Fruit- From Venezuela. Has a sticky, dense pulp like peanut butter. Smells like peanut butter too.  

Prickly Pear- From Mexico & Americas.Tastes like a watermelon.

Pulasan - From Peninsula Malaysia. Sweet and Juicy with the flavor of an almond.

Rambutan- From Vietnam. The fruit has a sweet mildly acidic flavor.

Romanesco- From Italy. An Edible flower from the broccoli cauliflower family.

Safou- From Africa. Has a rich buttery pulp that smells like citrus and has a slight acidic taste.

Salak - From Indonesia. Sweet and acidic, apple like texture, very dry and crumbly. Also called the snake fruit because the skin looks and feels like that of a snake.

Spiky Kiwano Melon- From Africa. Tastes like a cucumber.

Star Apple- From Central America. Star like pulp that's sweet.

Star Fruit- From Indonesia & Sri Lanka. Crunchy, firm extremely juicy and it tastes like a grape.

Sweet Granadilla- From Andes Mountains. Gelatinous  transparent pulp that's sweet and soft.

Wax Apple- From India. They have the taste of a Pear and Watermelon.

Wood Apple- From Bangladesh. Sticky brown  pulp that may be sweet or sour. Has a citrus smell. The outside rind is so hard (like that of a coconut) it's used as a bowl .

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